Saturday, January 31, 2009

Looking for Inspiration

Yesterday I went out to the art college for a little look. It was nice to get away from my own project for a bit and look at other peoples work from my own perspective. What I saw was some amazing typography, some interesting sketches and the very very odd toast display. Yes I said toast, about 150 buttered slices on the floor. To me it said this is student life, we live on the same dull food day after day with no room for change. But I’m probably way off the mark here and it’s probably got to do with the evolution of man, apocalypse and recession thrown in for good measure. You gotta love those crazy art students.

I also saw some displays that dealt with audio and video and how there presented. Sadly the photograph didn’t come out well but there were a couple of cool charcoal drawing that played around with the projector display to add subtle motion and the other to tell a story through quick frame changes.

So yeah I’d recommend anyone who feels they are hitting a wall with their FYP to head on over and take a look, clear your head and come back fresh to attack the project head on once again.

Monday, January 19, 2009


So here’s a look at the template I’ve come up with. You’ll have three genres that the user can look through; each one will have four panels containing information and interactivity.

What you see in this image is the stickers page with the four panels that will most likely contain an interactive section letting you place stickers on different surface areas, a speed art video, brief history and a galleries section to top things off.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Hey folks happy New Year and all that craic. It’s great to be back after the holiday season; I relaxed by doing a 40 hour week in the busiest shop in the Crescent, GAMESTOP. Really didn’t know what to do with my free time on Christmas day and January 1st so I mainly just recovered from the previous nights out, or visited friends who are only home for the holidays. With all this going on it was hard to find time to do any fyp related work. But that all changes this week, a new year a new mentality.

It’s a shame my new state of mind is freaking out that we need to have a working demo by the 9th of February. AS3 is so different to AS2 and trying to teach myself the code isn’t going down too well for the old brain here. My self learning After Effects training on the other hand isn’t going too bad. A job completely in this area would be a dream to me. So I have to do all this while trying to finish the enigma that is the Christmas Java Assignment. I swear it’s unanswerable; it’s like asking what came first the chicken or the egg. That statement might be a bit drastic as some students have completed it already (I want their brains…..just for a day or two).

Right, LETS DO THIS!!!