Thursday, November 6, 2008


First off sorry for not posting for awhile I’ve be busy with the dreded FYP, so since the last/ first post I have decided on a project to do and have submitted my project proposal and my research report.

So here’s whats gone on. The ennital idea was to create a whiteboard experience for playschool kids but was turned down. Pat asked if there was an existing media that I am interested in that I would like to turn into this whiteboard idea. The concept was a winner it just wasn’t a project acceptabel theme. So I went in another direction, which to my surprise got an entuisiastic go from Pat.

My FYP is now on Graffiti covering a number of geners artistics some speed art videos and so on, so yeah I’m very happy with the topic I will be covering. Later today I will upload some extracts from my project proposal and research report along with some photos from the cliffs exhibtion. So stay tuned folks.

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