Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Sites to See

Here are some sites that I have been looking at to get some kind of idea of what it is I would like to create, there’s a good mix of looks, navigation and animation in here. If you have no interest in my project you may still have an interest in these sites, they are simply awesome. You may also have noticed there are no sites got to do with my chosen topic; this was a conscious decision, if you go to a graffiti site you’ll know why. The people behind the graffiti sites that I’ve seen are trying to recreate what they have seen on the streets. Yes this looks great as a photograph, stencil, poster or whatever but not as a website. It becomes full of clutter and there can be two many colours and filler going on that can take away from the work. Right well that’s the rant over for the day, enjoy the sites.


Love the look feel and navigation of this; they use just the right amount of colour over the gray website.


Love the start animation


Some cool gear and interesting looking characters


Funny animation and characters


Full of crazy over the top colours and has a nice top and bottom navigation.


Amazing videos and an interesting galleries system


Sunday, November 30, 2008


I’ve been trying to come up with a logo. There have been problems that I’m continually running into and those are: how do you create a clean but noticeable graffiti style symbol. The graffiti alphabet is all about crazy colours and overlapping layers, in my opinion this looks great on the street but wouldn’t really work on a whiteboard. As I want the main focus to be on the content at the centre of the screen and not have the eye being constantly attracted to an overpowering logo I’ve decided to use less colour, but that could change.

So here are the contenders for now, I’m still not done but I think I’m making progress in this area and am trying a few different styles to see what fits and what I am happy with.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


First off sorry for not posting for awhile I’ve be busy with the dreded FYP, so since the last/ first post I have decided on a project to do and have submitted my project proposal and my research report.

So here’s whats gone on. The ennital idea was to create a whiteboard experience for playschool kids but was turned down. Pat asked if there was an existing media that I am interested in that I would like to turn into this whiteboard idea. The concept was a winner it just wasn’t a project acceptabel theme. So I went in another direction, which to my surprise got an entuisiastic go from Pat.

My FYP is now on Graffiti covering a number of geners artistics some speed art videos and so on, so yeah I’m very happy with the topic I will be covering. Later today I will upload some extracts from my project proposal and research report along with some photos from the cliffs exhibtion. So stay tuned folks.

Monday, September 29, 2008

It begins: FYP Blog

Right so the blog begins but still not sure what to do for FYP, few ideas just not sure yet what I want to do!