Monday, June 29, 2009

Its been awhile

Its great to be finished and have my degree, I'll miss the laughs we had on a daily basis but sadly life has to move on.

Best of luck to everyone on the job hunt, see you all at graduation.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Its over

Hey guys hope everything went well yesterday, what ever happened its over and now we can worry about the exams oh the excitement.

Here's a little video sort of an about section or brief history. Just said I'd stick it up as a sort of conclusion to this blog.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Today I recorded a video of me making, printing, cutting and spraying a stencil. Wow, don’t actually know what else to say. I think the FYP report may have me burnt out when it comes to word. Em hope everyone is doing well over the Easter hols and progressing with the project.

Laters folks

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bust a Move

So word on the street is that if I get a 2:1 degree I will do a bit of breakdancing as I accept the degree itself. Well word on the street is right; if I get a 2:1 (unlikely) I will do a quick little six step. For the select few members of my class that have seen me pop this move they can tell you its something special *sarcasm alert* oh and Niall said he will collect his degree while walking on his hands.

Monday, March 30, 2009

3D Room

So here’s the opening I’m going with, it’s pretty much finished. A few more bells and whistles to be added like slowing down the opening but you get the general idea. After Effects and me are like that (doing a crossed fingers hand sign thing).

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Postcard from Edinburgh…sort of

So did everyone enjoy the movie yesterday???
As you probably know I’m over in Scotland with tickets to the Ire vs Scot Six Nations game and couldn’t attend the movie. But my absence from college today hasn’t stopped me from working on my FYP, today I successfully broke my drag and drop code ARGH!!! But will hopefully fix it soon.

So onto the postcard thing, today I made three stencils that can fit onto a postcard and be reused over and over as they are cut into card and not paper, its basically the poor mans miniature stencil as this card can be got free in the students union and defaced or improved as you see fit. There are two freefalls and a gasmask (could be used to spray over a models face on an advertisement board, not saying this should be done but you can if you want) the freefall stencils would work great on the edge of a balcony or somewhere where there is a relative drop. See the pictures attached to this blog if you have no idea what I am talking about.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


An idea I’m working on in the style of the Obama Hope poster that I’m sure you’ve seen all over the media of recent times.

The idea is to have a banker begging with a cardboard box made of money and bottle of champagne in a brown paper bag. Here’s what I have so far.

The card he is holding will say something like "Please Help I was once a banker and have spent all your money, any funds given will be put to good use, just like last time"